Search for tag: "research basics"
MLA Style - 9th EditionBrief overview of formatting and citation using MLA 9th Edition. Created August 5, 2021. Revised July 18, 2022.
From infolit Information Literacy Department
287 plays
Hemp Webinar - AndersonCalls and emails continue to come in to MSU Extension offices throughout the state from people looking for general information about industrial hemp as well as recommendations on numerous topics from…
From Eric Anderson
233 plays
Chicago Manual of Style Citation (17th Ed.)How to cite books and periodical articles using the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition. Created August 2018
From infolit Information Literacy Department
803 plays
Embracing UncertaintyWhat role does uncertainty play in academic life? Uploaded August 2018
From infolit Information Literacy Department
541 plays
Citation Management ToolsAn introduction to citation management tools. Updated November 2023
From infolit Information Literacy Department
955 plays
Popular, Scholarly, or Trade?A quick overview of some some of the differences between popular, scholarly and trade articles, and why those differences are important. Updated March 2020
From infolit Information Literacy Department
9,334 plays