Search for tag: "retention"
Whole-Person Workplace Conference: Whole Person Culture to Support DEI, Retention and RecruitmentPotential employees are whole people with full lives outside of their job search and recognizing them as such not only is the authentic way to recruit as a Whole-Person Workplace, but also shows…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
11 plays
Student Success Launch WelcomeThe opening remarks of the fall 2022 Student Success Launch event at the MSU Union.
From Greg Teachout
16 plays
Creating an Inclusive Workplace: Work-Life Through an Equity Lens & How to Retain BIPOC Faculty and StaffCreating an Inclusive Workplace: Work-Life Through an Equity Lens & How to Retain BIPOC Faculty and StaffWatch as we welcome Jaimie Hutchison, Deputy Director of the MSU WorkLife Office, and…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
23 plays
Recruitment, Retention, and Experiences of Art Library ProfessionalsThe Spectrum Advisory Committee and The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Professional Development – Education Subcommittee are excited to collaborate on Recruitment, Retention,…
From Meredith Hale
36 plays
The Future: Genomics of Fir Species and Genetic EngineeringThis is the final webinar in the webinar series "Christmas Tree Genetics and Tree Improvement Webinar Series."
From Heidi Lindberg
42 plays