Search for tag: "server 8"
VM 518 Right side of thorax structures visible after removal of lungs. Dissection video (goat)server8\PDI_519\Goat\Right side of thorax structures visible after removal of lungs (00676)
From College of Veterinary Medicine
32 plays
VM 518-Right side of thorax heart and related structuresserver8\PDI_519\Goat\Right side of thorax heart and related structures (00683)
From College of Veterinary Medicine
68 plays
VM 518-Left side of thorax structures visible after removal of lungsserver8\PDI_519\Goat\Left side of thorax structures visible after removal of lungs (00663)
From College of Veterinary Medicine
170 plays
VM 518-Left side of thorax heart and related structuresserver8\PDI_519\Goat\Left side of thorax heart and related structures (00665)
From College of Veterinary Medicine
79 plays