04:03duration 4 minutes 3 seconds
VM 520-Cat thoracic walls - pleura - lungs…
VM 520-Cat thoracic walls - pleura - lungs Dissection video
03:35duration 3 minutes 35 seconds
VM 517-520-Major nerves of thorax dog Dissection…
VM 517-520-Major nerves of thorax dog Dissection video
01:17duration 1 minute 17 seconds
VM 520-Parietal and visceral pleura Dissection…
VM 520-Parietal and visceral pleura Dissection video
17:31duration 17 minutes 31 seconds
VM 520 Thoracic and pleural cavities, anatomy of…
VM 520 Thoracic and pleural cavities, anatomy of the mediastinum. Video presentation
03:56duration 3 minutes 56 seconds
VM 518-Left side of thorax structures visible…
VM 518-Left side of thorax structures visible after removal of lungs
server8\PDI_519\Goat\Left side of thorax structures visible after removal of lungs (00663)