Search for tag: "situation"
Adult Caregivers Employee Resource Group: The Growing Costs of CaregivingAmerican Association of Retired Persons (AARP) estimates that family caregivers spend about $7,242 annually on caregiving activities, which is about 26% of their income. Caregivers approaching…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
3 plays
Adult Caregivers Employee Resource Group Presents - True Stories in Caregiving: Dr. Wayne HutchisonReal stories from caregivers are powerful and moving. Hearing these deeply personal experiences firsthand helps us realize that we’re not alone. Many other people are on similarly challenging…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
10 plays
Agricultural Weather Update - June 20, 2023An agricultural weather forecast by Jeff Andresen, MSU meteorologist
From Mallory Marienfeld
72 plays
Office of the University Ombudsperson at Michigan State UniversityVideo about the Office of the University Ombudsperson at Michigan State University
From Valerie Geyer
232 plays
Wellbeing Wednesday: Managing Stress and WorkThere are ebbs and flows to the intensity of our work and stressors in our personal lives. Learn tools and strategies for identifying stressors, prioritizing responsibilities, and managing stress…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
17 plays
Supervisor Training Series Part 4- Equitable Decision Making (Recorded Session)As a supervisor, you may find yourself in challenging situations which place the solution at the supervisor's discretion. When it comes to managing an employee with a chronic health condition,…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
35 plays
11-17-22-Adult Caregiving ERG- Financial PlanningAdult Caregiving ERG: Financial Planning for Life's Transition -Are you Prepared? Learn how to prepare for life's transitions: -Creating a long-term financial plan -Making decisions on…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
7 plays