05:28duration 5 minutes 28 seconds
VM 516-Instructions for dissection of deep head…
VM 516-Instructions for dissection of deep head structures
Instructions on how to remove temporalis and masseter mm, zygomatic arch and ramus of mandible to be able to visualize deeper structures. No actual ID of structures
09:57duration 9 minutes 57 seconds
ANTR510 (003) Early Embryology Week 3: The week…
ANTR510 (003) Early Embryology Week 3: The week of threes
09:29duration 9 minutes 29 seconds
ANTR510 (004) Early Embryology Week 4: Embryonic…
ANTR510 (004) Early Embryology Week 4: Embryonic Folding
10:15duration 10 minutes 15 seconds
ANTR510 (005) Early Embryology: Germ Layer…
ANTR510 (005) Early Embryology: Germ Layer Organization