The Purchasing module will guide you through the steps of making a purchase and the relationship between Planon and KFS. Delivered: 2/22/24
The Stock Module in Planon assists with stockroom and inventory management to efficiently control, monitor, and optimize the flow of goods and materials across multiple teams at Michigan State…
Orders in Planon support the management of request for services, preventative, trouble, corrective, project, and administrative orders. Delivered: 1/18/24
Overview of Textbook Chapters 2-3
Module 2 - Assessment of Diet and Nutritional Status
Module 1 - Introduction to Public Health Nutrition
Using the Bureau of Census website and the NHGIS website to download 2020 census data
Date of session: May 16, 2022 Description: This is a video tutorial on how to get free machine captioning through Kaltura MediaSpace. Upcoming workshops Past workshop recordings EdTech training
Phoebe Gohs CEP 982 Project Presentation