03:37duration 3 minutes 37 seconds
GEO151: The Geographic Grid: Draw a picture!
03:46duration 3 minutes 46 seconds
GEO151: Latitude & Longitude
This video provides an explanation of latitude and longitude. This is for GEO 206 and GEO 310. Amanda Kreuze created this video.
03:53duration 3 minutes 53 seconds
GEO206: Review of the Earth & Sun Lesson
Use this video to help you prepare for Quiz 3.
04:10duration 4 minutes 10 seconds
GEO206: Review for the Geographic Tools Lesson
The video will help you prepare for Quiz 2 on Geographic Tools.
17:02duration 17 minutes 2 seconds
20:49duration 20 minutes 49 seconds
07:37duration 7 minutes 37 seconds
Geo221v Activity, Coordinate Systems: Using…
Geo221v Activity, Coordinate Systems: Using ArcGIS Online
This video accompanies the GEO221v (Intro to Geographic Information) Activity (Coordinate Systems) for the Fundamentals of Two-dimensional Maps Lesson. The video aims to help students learn how to…
04:30duration 4 minutes 30 seconds
Lesson 2, Exam 1 Prep
This video covers Lesson 2 in preparation for Exam 1.
HM810 sec730 GIS-PH-Lecture-3a