Search for tag: "manure"
How Can Compost Help Our Climate*2024 Wild About Conservation: How can compost help our climate with Eliza Hensel
From Beth Clawson
105 plays
MC Large and mid-scale composting*Michigan State University Extension Michigan composting large and midscale composting narrated lecture with Beth Clawson
From Beth Clawson
15 plays
Wild about conservation gaining perspectiveMichigan State University Extension Wild About: Conservation Webinar, Gaining Perspective :Agriculture in my community
From Beth Clawson
59 plays
Manure for field cropsPresentation by MSUE educator, Sarah Fronczak about Nutrient Management for manure in row crops.
From Sarah Fronczak
4 plays
Farm TourThe ladies of Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Sorority visit their family farms explain the farm duties. Jessica highlights her family’s cattle and crop farm and Megan interviews her dad…
From Anna Baker
6 plays
CANMaPP_CrankThis is a short training for the Computer Assisted Nutrient Management Planning Program (CANMaPP).
From Sarah Fronczak
15 plays
MSU Swine Farm TourKevin Turner is the MSU Swine Farm Manager, he takes us on the a tour inside the MSU swine farm. In this video, many techniques and terms are defined that are used in not only swine show industry but…
From Casey Zangaro
63 plays
Small Farms Manure ManagementErica Rogers works as a Statewide Environmental Management Educator for MSU Extension. In this video, she talks about small farm manure management and techniques to be more environmentally friendly…
From Casey Zangaro
9 plays
VM 515-Boot washingDr Thomson discusses why boot washing starts with your arrival sequence to the dairy farm. He then discusses the steps necessary to perform a correct boot washing technique for a bovine…
From College of Veterinary Medicine
12 plays