Search for tag: "officer"

Formative Assignment_Borders

+19 More
From  Ramya Swayamprakash 34 plays 0  

SD2_1051 March/April 2021

+19 More
From  James Voges 4 plays 0  

SD2_1047 March/April 2021

+19 More
From  James Voges 2 plays 0  

WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series: Hands Up, Don't Shoot: Why the protests in Ferguson and Baltimore Matter and How They Changed the World

WACSS Anti-Racism Insight SeriesDr. Jennifer Cobbina Book talk Hands Up, Don’t Shoot: Why the Protests in Ferguson and Baltimore Matter, and How They Changed America (2019)

+24 More
From  Crissy Hodges-Chakrani 16 plays 0  

SART - Reporting Options

Reporting Options for Survivors of sexual assault at Michigan State University A video created by the members of the MSU Campus Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) This video was created for public…

+19 More
From  Kimmins Southard 106 plays 0  

Lori Hinkley, FOIA coordinator, Michigan State Police

Lori Hinkley is the public records manager and the FOIA coordinator at the Michigan State Police. She tells how her office of about 12 people handles 22,000 FOIA requests a year and tells Journalism…

+18 More
From  Joseph Grimm 130 plays 0  

WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series: "Hands Up, Don't Shoot: Why the Protests in Ferguson and Baltimore Matter, and How They Changed America" with Dr. Jennifer Cobbina, 11/24/20

Dr. Jennifer Cobbina is an Associate Professor in the School of Criminal Justice here at MSU. Her current research includes neighborhood violence, policing, community action and more. In Dr.…

+19 More
From  Emily Khan 22 plays 0  

Virtual 4-H Officer Elections: Zoom Polls

Video tutorial on using Zoom polls to facilitate officer elections during virtual 4-H club and advisory group meetings. Additional resources and support available online at…

+23 More
From  Jackelyn Martin 177 plays 0  

Health Policy Development

Health Policy Development av

From  Lydia Merritt 110 plays 0  


From  pblhlth Program in Public Health 6 plays 0  

B Buckley Preparing Practicum

B Buckley Preparing Practicum

+16 More
From  Lydia Merritt 187 plays 0  

HM841 week3mp4

From  pblhlth Program in Public Health 0 plays 0  

HM841 Mod3Intro

From  pblhlth Program in Public Health 23 plays 0  

HM840 2013-Intro-msu

From  pblhlth Program in Public Health 5 plays 0