Search for tag: "insights"
WACSS insight Series - Robert's Rules of OrderTaylor Thrush, Deputy Secretary for Academic Governance, presents a deep dive on Robert's Rules of Order as part of the WACSS Insight Series. Resources shared: Parliamentary…
From Emily Khan
8 plays
D2L Outcomes Data PivotTable to re-create Mastery ViewCreating a PivotTable in Excel with text-only data is possible, but there are several extra steps. You must create a table from your data and add it to the Data Model, then add a Measure in the…
From Jennifer Wagner
68 plays
What is Freedom? A Look into MSU Students' Beliefs and BehaviorsGood afternoon. My name is Emily Schultz. I am a 3rd year student in the college of social sciences. The purpose of my study is to understand how young adults are impacted by the highly politicized…
From Emily Schultz
1 plays
GEO206: Using the review quiz as a study toolThis video talks about how to use the review quiz as a study tool in order to be more strategic in your quiz preparation.
From Juliegh Bookout
23 plays
Cabin Fever Conversations - Gardening for BirdsOn the May 15, 2020 episode of Cabin Fever Conversations, Linnea Rowse from Michigan Audubon cured our boredom with bird-om and helped us understand how even the smallest home garden can help sustain…
From Abigail L Harper
162 plays