Search for tag: "library orientation"

Interview with Jennifer Martinez Wormser

Interview with Jennifer Martinez Wormser, formerly director of the library at the Laguna College of Art and Design, conducted in 2017. She talks about instruction, collections, and programming at an…

From  Meredith Hale 6 plays 0  

Lesson Planning

Emilee Mathews discusses some principles of lesson planning for library instruction sessions. This recording is made available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license…

From  Meredith Hale 1 plays 0  

Active Learning

Emilee Mathews discusses active learning strategies. This recording is made available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license (

From  Meredith Hale 5 plays 0  

Interview with Sylvia Page

Interview with Sylvia Page, formerly art librarian at the Memphis College of Art, conducted in 2017. She talks about working at a small art and design school library, instruction, outreach,…

From  Meredith Hale 16 plays 0  

Interview with Siân Evans

Interview with Siân Evans, formerly information literacy librarian at the Maryland Institute College of Art, conducted in 2017. She talks about instruction, information literacy, lesson…

From  Meredith Hale 14 plays 0  

Creativity and Collaborations in Special Collections and Archives / Créativité et collaborations dans les archives et collections spéciales

This bilingual session explores the ways in which archives and special collections engage with their communities by using their visual and textual resources as tools for teaching and learning.…

From  Meredith Hale 43 plays 0  

Outreach Convergence: Adapting Programming to COVID-19

Whether reimagining existing programs or creating new ones, librarians sought the opportunity to foster connections between the library and its patrons in the wake of a rapid transition to online…

From  Meredith Hale 21 plays 0  

Converging at a Time of Crisis: Adaptive Teaching Strategies

This session took place on May 11, 2021, as part of the ARLIS/NA Virtual Conference hosted by the ARLIS/NA MOQ Chapter. Speakers include Simone Fujita, David Greene, Meredith Hale, Courtney Hunt,…

From  Meredith Hale 34 plays 0  

Lightning Round Presentations for ARLIS/NA Midstates Ohio Valley Joint Chapter Virtual Conference

These lightning round presentations took place on November 13, 2020 as part of the ARLIS/NA Midstates Ohio Valley Joint Chapter Virtual Conference. In total, three presentations were given. Courtney…

From  Meredith Hale 24 plays 0  

Reimagining the Frame: Connecting Art to the Framework in Theory and in Practice

One of the greatest and most intriguing challenges information literacy instructors face is the task of imparting a deep and nuanced understanding of the information ecosystem to students in a…

From  Bonnie Russell 92 plays 0  

Adventures in One-Derland: Exploring the Possibilities in One-Shot Library Instruction Sessions at a College for the Arts

A presentation by Jessa Lee given on December 5, 2014, as part of ARLIS Mountain West Virtual Conference. This recording is made available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license…

From  Meredith Hale 14 plays 0  

From Multiple Literacies to Managing Assessment: New Directions in Library Instruction in the Arts

This webinar will focus on innovative directions in library instruction for the arts disciplines. Librarians Holly Wilson and Laena McCarthy will discuss their efforts to serve multiple literacies…

From  Meredith Hale 10 plays 0  

Reaching Visual Arts Students in the Classroom and Beyond

Does your library serve student designers, artists, and other visual learners? If so, join us for this webinar on tailoring instruction and outreach for this population. Ellen Petraits will discuss…

From  Meredith Hale 54 plays 0