Search for tag: "special collections"
Interview with Janine HenriInterview with Janine Henri, formerly architecture and design librarian at the University of California Los Angeles, conducted in 2017. Janine talks about architecture librarianship and its…
From Meredith Hale
7 plays
Come Out In Detroit!A special presentation commemorating the 50thanniversary of the first Pride March in Michigan. The presenters and comic book authors Tim Retzloff and Isabel Clare Paul celebrate the history of that…
From libmedia MSU Libraries Media
21 plays
Muslim Journeys: An Early Modern Anglo-Muslim Archive: Cross-Cultural Encounters and Identity FormationsThis event features Professor Jyotsna G. Singh (Department of English) Drawing on selected pre-1800 archival materials from the Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong Special…
From libmedia MSU Libraries Media
11 plays
Travel Grant Scholar Summer Talk - 07/23/2021Kathryn C. Dolan of Missouri University of Science and Technology presents "The Invention of Cold Breakfast Cereal." Sponsored by Michigan State University Library Special Collections, and…
From libmedia MSU Libraries Media
5 plays
Travel Grant Scholar SummerTalk, 07/30/2021Mark Mallory from the University of Louisiana-Lafayette presents “Myths for American Men: Indianness, Neoliberalism, & Recovery.” Sponsored by Michigan State University Library…
From libmedia MSU Libraries Media
4 plays
Creativity and Collaborations in Special Collections and Archives / Créativité et collaborations dans les archives et collections spécialesThis bilingual session explores the ways in which archives and special collections engage with their communities by using their visual and textual resources as tools for teaching and learning.…
From Meredith Hale
43 plays
No Refunds: Managing Gifts and Navigating Donors in Museums and Special CollectionsThis session took place on May 11, 2021, as part of the ARLIS/NA Virtual Conference hosted by the ARLIS/NA MOQ Chapter. Presenters include John Burns and Malia Van Heukelem. The session was moderated…
From Meredith Hale
21 plays
Lightning Round Presentations for ARLIS/NA Midstates Ohio Valley Joint Chapter Virtual ConferenceThese lightning round presentations took place on November 13, 2020 as part of the ARLIS/NA Midstates Ohio Valley Joint Chapter Virtual Conference. In total, three presentations were given. Courtney…
From Meredith Hale
24 plays
Illustrations from "De Humani Corporis Fabrica," the first modern work of human anatomyThe year 1543 saw the publication of the first modern work of anatomy, "De Humani Corporis Fabrica" -- or in English, "On the Fabric of the Human Body." The author was Andreas…
From Ruth Ann Jones
7 plays
Graphic Design 200 (Online) Virtual Visit to Special Collections: Radicalism PostersThis is a 'virtual' visit to MSU Libraries' Special Collections department for students in the online class "History of Graphic Design" taught by Rebecca Cifaldi. This visit…
From Ruth Ann Jones
704 plays
Graphic Design 200 (Online) Virtual Visit to Special Collections: The Fine Press MovementThis is a "virtual visit" to MSU Libraries' Special Collections department, created for students in the MSU online class Graphic Design 200, by instructor Rebecca Cifaldi and librarian…
From Ruth Ann Jones
1,079 plays
G. Robert Vincent Voice Library at MSU captures history...Program produced by WDIV Channel-4, Detroit, Michigan, December 20th, 2014, Also visit:
From libmedia MSU Libraries Media
17 plays
Feeding America: Historic American CookbooksA video highlighting some of the key items in the Feeding America project of Michigan State University Libraries Special Collections.
From libmedia MSU Libraries Media
476 plays
MSU Libraries: Sharing Special Collections Through TechnologyLearn how the MSU Libraries share rare books through digitization and on-demand printing with the library's Espresso Book Machine.
From libmedia MSU Libraries Media
175 plays