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HM 803 Case Control Studies

HM 803 Case Control Studies

From  pblhlth Program in Public Health 71 plays 0  

Renee Canady Intro HM 854

Renee Canady Intro HM 854

From  pblhlth Program in Public Health 27 plays 0  

HM 805 Social and Behavioral Aspects of Public Health

HM 805 Social and Behavioral Aspects of Public Health

From  pblhlth Program in Public Health 98 plays 0  

Pully sutures and Mattress Sutures

Dr. Liu demonstrates the use of the Pully Suture as well as the Mattress Suture for his lecture from 9/9/2016

From  George Harris 29 plays 0  

Interrupted, Continuous and Running Locked Sutures

Dr. Liu discussing the Interrupted, Continuous and Running Locked Sutures.

From  George Harris 80 plays 0  

Suture Knots

Dr. Liu talks and demonstrates Suture Knots during his Suture lecture in the Genesys Regional Medical Center Simulation Lab on September 9th 2016

From  George Harris 65 plays 0