Search for tag: "psychology"
Loving Kindness_MooreWorried About Someone? If you are caught up in worry about someone you care about, and you are feeling stressed, help yourself regain your balance join us for this loving-kindness meditation. …
From Lisa Laughman
71 plays
Learning About Trauma-Informed Care and Workplace ApplicationEnjoy this Lunch and Learn webinar about trauma-informed care, presented by Kelley Blanck (Clinical Instructor), and Natalie Moser (Director of the MSU Psychological Clinic).Learning Objectives: 1.…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
55 plays
What is Freedom? A Look into MSU Students' Beliefs and BehaviorsGood afternoon. My name is Emily Schultz. I am a 3rd year student in the college of social sciences. The purpose of my study is to understand how young adults are impacted by the highly politicized…
From Emily Schultz
1 plays
Intersectionality as Lived Experience, Radical Theory, and Social Justice Activism | WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series | NiCole T. Buchanan, PhDSociety and individuals have been slow to incorporate intersectionality as a concept and as a framework for informing our work, which limits the potential impact of theory, praxis and activism. In…
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
106 plays