Search for tag: "radiation"

GEO 324, Video Microlecture: Unit 02 (EMS and the Basics of Remotely Sensed Imagery), Lesson 01 (Electromagnetic Radiation 1)

Lesson: Electromagnetic Radiation 1 Unit: EMS and the Basics of Remotely Sensed Imagery Geography 324: Remote Sensing of the Environment Created by onGEO for the Department of Geography,…

From  Beth Weisenborn 0 plays 0  

GEO113: Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect

From  Juliegh Bookout 3 plays 0  

Gamma Spectroscopy Safety 1.0

Gamma Spectroscopy Safety 1.0 for working with gamma sources sets.

From  James Kidder 2 plays 0  

GEO151: Global Warming & The Greenhouse Effect

From  Juliegh Bookout 3 plays 0  

GEO206: Let's Review: Solar Radiation

From  Juliegh Bookout 11 plays 0  

GEO206: Let's Review: The Earth and Sun

From  Juliegh Bookout 18 plays 0  

GEO206: Let's Review: Global Warming and The Greenhouse Effect

From  Juliegh Bookout 12 plays 0  

GEO206: Introduction to Global Climate and Environmental Change

From  Juliegh Bookout 15 plays 0  

GEO206: Introduction to the Atmosphere & Solar Radiation

From  Juliegh Bookout 17 plays 0  

GEO206: Introduction to The Earth & Sun

From  Juliegh Bookout 18 plays 0  

Minor Spill Response

Minor radioactive material Spill Response.

From  James Kidder 55 plays 0  

Radiation Detection Equipment

Instruction in the type and use of equipment used to detect radioactive materials.

From  James Kidder 102 plays 0  

Radiation Safety Surveys

How to perform and document the survey of a radioactive work area.

From  James Kidder 69 plays 0  

Composition of the Atmosphere

From  Juliegh Bookout 128 plays 0  

GEO206: Solar Radiation

From  Juliegh Bookout 172 plays 0  

sterilization calculations

From  Laura Bix 341 plays 0