33:01duration 33 minutes 1 second
Pathology Interest Group - Q&A Panel (2 of 3)
49:48duration 49 minutes 48 seconds
Part 1: What is Pathology, Dr. Kowalski
The MSU Pathology Interest Group welcomes Dr. Kowalski to discuss what choosing a specialty like pathology can be like for a student.
48:16duration 48 minutes 16 seconds
Beaumont Radiation-Oncology Presentation
Interested in learning more about Radiation Oncology? Dr. Vincent Grzywacz and Dr. Andy Zureick of Beaumont Health present a career overview of this specialty.
06:36duration 6 minutes 36 seconds
VM 506-SWOT Analysis for Career Planning
14:05duration 14 minutes 5 seconds
This is module 3 for VM 541 for Spring 2017
12:20duration 12 minutes 20 seconds
Career Development: Module 1 Career Planning
This is the first module for VM 541 for Spring 2017