Search for tag: "digital libraries"
Interview with Lily PregillInterview with Lily Pregill, head of digital initiatives at the Getty Research Institute, conducted in 2017. She talks about digital initiatives, working on grant funded projects, digital humanities,…
From Meredith Hale
27 plays
ARLIS/NA Exhibitions SIG Annual Meeting and Lightning TalksThe ARLIS/NA Exhibitions Special Interest Group met on This recording features three lightning talks. Carmen Peters presents "Art in the Library: Making the Case for an Exhibition Space",…
From Meredith Hale
32 plays
Exhibitions Special Interest Group: Virtual Exhibit Show 'n' TellThis recording shares an Exhbitions SIG meeting that took place on July 10, 2020. Attendees present on recent exhibition work they completed, particularly focusing on online exhibitions created…
From Bonnie Russell
5 plays
New Directions for Digital Research at the University of Toronto, Department of ArtPresentation from the ArLiSNAP VREPS 2016 Conference given on May 21, 2016 by Jacquelyn Clements. Clements discusses her work as a CLIR postdoctoral fellow in data curation for visual resources at…
From Bonnie Russell
6 plays
Leveraging Flickr for Digital Image Management and Social Media OutreachPresentation from the ArLiSNAP VREPS 2016 Conference given on May 21, 2016. Melissa Coulston discusses her efforts to create a centralized photo library for use by NWS and NOA staff in marketing…
From Bonnie Russell
5 plays
ArLiSNAP VREPS 2016 Virtual Conference Keynote, Data Initiatives at NYPL Labs: Collaboration + ConnectionIn Sara Rubinow’s keynote speech for the 2016 ArLiSNAP VREPS Virtual Conference, she discusses her role at NYPL Labs and showcases initiatives intended to engage developers, scholars, artists,…
From Bonnie Russell
2 plays
The Gritty Details behind a Great Geo-Discovery Interface (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Querying the New York City Geoclient API)Presentation from the ArLiSNAP VREPS 2016 Conference given on May 21, 2016 by Gabriella Karl Johnson. The speaker discusses her time working at the Seymour B. Durst Old York Library at Columbia…
From Bonnie Russell
2 plays
The Cornell Collection of AntiquitiesPresentation by Hannah Marshall from the ArLiSNAP VREPS 2016 Conference given on May 21, 2016. This recording is made available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license…
From Bonnie Russell
6 plays
New Voices in the Profession Panel, 2020Returning for its fourteenth year, New Voices in the Profession provides professionals new to art librarianship or visual resources the opportunity to present topics from exceptional coursework, such…
From Bonnie Russell
3 plays
Vendor Lightning Round 2In this vendor session recorded on July 30, 2020, you can learn more about Casalini Libri, Erasmus Boekhande, A&A ePortal by Yale University Press, and Facsimile Finder. Speakers include Patricia…
From Bonnie Russell
3 plays
Reimagining Unique Collections Through DigitizationThis panel examines how archival, rare, and special collections are preserved, enhanced, and reimagined through the process of digitization. Panelists from academic, nonprofit, and museum libraries…
From Bonnie Russell
1 plays
Terra Fluxus: Surveying the Digital Information Landscape of Environmental DesignLibrarians and archivists play vital roles in stewarding our environment and its record. Informing and documenting its greatest changes in the digital age compels us to traverse an untamed landscape.…
From Meredith Hale
7 plays
Terra Fluxus: Surveying the Digital Information Landscape of Environmental Design (Spanish version)Librarians and archivists play vital roles in stewarding our environment and its record. Informing and documenting its greatest changes in the digital age compels us to traverse an untamed landscape.…
From Meredith Hale
12 plays
Linked Open Data: Interconnectivity AmplifiedIn this session, Sarah Seymore and Julie Simic will discuss how the University of Oregon migrated its digital collections to a new content management system and to linked open data (LOD).…
From Meredith Hale
2 plays
Welcoming Remarks to the 2014 IRC Budapest Study Tour ConferenceAnelia Tüü provides opening remarks to the 2014 ARLIS/NA International Relations Committee Study Tour Conference in Budapest. The topic of the conference is "Art Libraries Facing the…
From Meredith Hale
4 plays
The Efforts of Many: Working Together to Shape our Digital FutureCarole Ann Fabian's presentation from June 2, 2014 discusses how institutions should approach dealing with digital acquisitions. The speaker shares how the Avery Library at Columbia University…
From Meredith Hale
2 plays