Emilee Mathews talks about a grant funded project she was involved in regarding linked open data and artists' books. This recording is made available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0…
Interview with Alexandra Provo, research curation librarian at New York University, conducted in 2017. She talks about cataloging, linked data, visual resource description, various work environments,…
Previous sessions have dealt with RDF (Resource Description Framework) and LOD (Linked Open Data) as introductions and overviews of the topic; while it is still early days in terms of adoption, this…
Previous sessions have dealt with RDF (Resource Description Framework) and LOD (Linked Open Data) as introductions and overviews of the topic; while it is still early days in terms of adoption, this…
In this session, Sarah Seymore and Julie Simic will discuss how the University of Oregon migrated its digital collections to a new content management system and to linked open data (LOD).…
Ádám Horváth's presention from June 2, 2014 discusses the ALIADA project at the Museum of Fine Arts, Hungary. The ALIADA project aims to develop open source tools to…