Search for tag: "tariffs and duties"
Discussion2-VIDEOWays to make the case about your work contribution to the literature based off of conventional wisdoms and using factual questions
From James Monahan
41 plays
Contracts and Other Agreements: Publications (R. Sheets)The Publication presentation is intended to describe MSU’s Publication policies and explain how the Publication policies impact contract review and negotiations with for-profit entities.
From Erin Schlicher
49 plays
Contracts and Other Agreements University Research Organization (URO) (D. Tuthill)This presentation discusses URO and how to identify if your project is eligible to be conducted there.
From Erin Schlicher
42 plays
Contracts and Other Agreements: Export Control (D. Tuthill)This presentation will discuss the importance of export controls in a non-profit institution of higher education.
From Erin Schlicher
47 plays