Search for tag: "thoughts"

WorkLife Wellbeing Series: Mindfulness in the Workplace

The purpose of this workshop is to understand how mindfulness can be beneficial in the workplace and help people improve relationships with colleagues and others.

From  Rachel Perez 13 plays 0  

MKT 843-301 International Marketing Research In-Person Session

Zoom Recording ID: 95738945023 UUID: 4L3unS1pSJmxnustUKZSnQ== Meeting Time: 2024-05-14 03:56:06pmGMT

From  Michael Alioto 17 plays 0  

Person Centered and Gestalt Therapies

From  Raelyn Elliott-Remes 18 plays 0  

Intro to CBT

From  Raelyn Elliott-Remes 24 plays 0  

Mod 12 lecture part 2.mp4

From  Constance Currier 27 plays 0  

Packback Tutorial

From  Juliegh Bookout 87 plays 0  

Adult Caregivers Employee Resource Group: Laughing is the Best Medicine

The old saying is true, laughter is strong medicine. It draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts…

From  WorkLife Office WorkLife Office 29 plays 0  

Responding to the Tragic Events at MSU

In response to the tragic events that occurred at MSU, the WorkLife Office has prepared a training geared towards all MSU Faculty and Staff to assist with your own personal response as well as how to…

From  WorkLife Office WorkLife Office 28 plays 0  

Wellbeing Wednesdays: The Power of Affirmations - An Antidote to Imposter Syndrome & Burnout

Back by popular demand! The words we well ourselves matter. This workshop explores the power of affirmations and addresses how they are important as an antidote to imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and…

From  WorkLife Office WorkLife Office 16 plays 0  

Women's Networking Association Presents: The Power of Affirmations - An Antidote to Imposter Syndrome & Burnout

Women's Networking Association Presents: The Power of Affirmations - An Antidote to Imposter Syndrome & BurnoutA 60-minute webinar presented by the WorkLife Office Deputy Director, Jaimie…

From  WorkLife Office WorkLife Office 45 plays 0  

VM 503-Emotional Intelligence & Emotional Resilience-Hind

Zoom Recording ID: 99751566818 UUID: pE8LI+vtQvybWj49ThyoTw== Meeting Time: 2021-10-18T16:45:04Z

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 5 plays 0  

PHQ-9 Screening

This is a CHM Task Training video linked to the Simulation Resources Task Training: Objectives & Resources page in JustInTimeMedicine:…

From  JIT CHM Jit Media 505 plays 0  

VM 537-Marketing Basics I

From  Donna Harris 137 plays 0  

Toward a Positive Work Environment - Incivility in the workplace: Combating toxicity and improving workplace climate

Complaints about incivility, bullying, and other toxic behaviors in the workplace are often met with advice to “just ignore it,” or “don’t let the haters get to you.” …

From  WorkLife Office WorkLife Office 236 plays 0  

VM 509_5Oct_3PM_Zoom Session

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 6 plays 0  

Anti-racism: The Heart and Mind of the Matter

7/2/20 Thursday: Anti-racism: The Heart and Mind of the MatterPresented by: Tina Alonzo, DEI Administrator with Infrastructure Planning and Facilities A time of dissonance, disagreement between…

From  WorkLife Office WorkLife Office 123 plays 0