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MMG 433 - SS22 - 2.3.1 - Genome evolutionZoom Recording ID: 91220406734 UUID: o5SWovJPRo2qd2uVvMwzUg== Meeting Time: 2021-03-01T16:18:21Z
From Yann Dufour
105 plays
COVID-19 Vaccines and How they Can Keep You And Your Community SafeThis webinar was hosted in response to an invitation from Dr. Azam Sher, the CEO and founder of Kher-Kun (Well-Wisher) organization. It is a non-profit, and student based volunteers…
From Mohamed Satti
82 plays
COVID-19 Vaccines M. Z. SattiThis presentation is comparing the main current COVID-19 Vaccines: How they are produced and how they work. It covers the following vaccines: Pfizer; Moderna; AstraZeneca; Sinopharm; Gamaleya;…
From Mohamed Satti
118 plays