43:17duration 43 minutes 17 seconds
GTA Roles_What to expect_Grader
02:22:17duration 2 hours 22 minutes
CEP 345: Oral Language Foundations of Literacy…
CEP 345: Oral Language Foundations of Literacy Part 1
56:47duration 56 minutes 47 seconds
Ahmed Ali Columbia 1979
05:01:07duration 5 hours 1 minute
Ahmed Ali
14:32duration 14 minutes 32 seconds
GEO331: Atlantic Canada Part 2
44:30duration 44 minutes 30 seconds
GEO331: 3-French Canada-Part 2
52:19duration 52 minutes 19 seconds
GEO331: 2-Atlantic-Part 1
11:41duration 11 minutes 41 seconds
GEO151: Introduction to Language
This video introduces students to the lesson,…
06:35duration 6 minutes 35 seconds
Lecture 5.1 - Part 2
06:08duration 6 minutes 8 seconds
Lecture 4.2 - Part 2
Lecture 2 - Overview of Module 2
07:57duration 7 minutes 57 seconds
Prestamos para Desastres por Daños de…
Prestamos para Desastres por Daños de Emergencia frente al coronavirus (EIDL)
Puede descargar los materiales de esta…
01:14:37duration 1 hour 14 minutes
Educating Newcomers - part two
42:49duration 42 minutes 49 seconds
Educating Newcomers - part one
59:11duration 59 minutes 11 seconds
Current Issues Affecting Michigan Local…
Current Issues Affecting Michigan Local Governments: Gathering the Opinions of Hard-to-Reach Residents
The July 2017 Michigan Public Policy Survey,…
06:32duration 6 minutes 32 seconds