Search for tag: "light"

Funeral Parade of Roses (Toshio Matsumuto, Japan, 1969, 105’)

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From  Pedro Doreste Rodriguez 79 plays 0  

Investigate Beer’s Law with Go Direct® SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer

The Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer quickly measures a full spectrum. Common spectroscopy experiments include understanding Beer's law to determine the concentration of an unknown…

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From  Elizabeth Hedgecock 22 plays 0  

HushPod Mod 1

Welcome to the HushPod Recording Studio, where creativity meets technology. Whether you’re an experienced creator or just starting out, our studio provides everything you need to bring your…

+21 More
From  David Goodrich 5 plays 0  

Adult Caregivers Employee Resource Group: Shedding Light on Culture Change of the University Caregiver

Cultural awareness is important for caregivers because it encourages an authentic understanding of what it means to be a caregiver in our society today. What are the implications for caregiving?…

+26 More
From  WorkLife Office WorkLife Office 10 plays 0  

EH803 Mod2 Intro

EH803 Mod2 Intro

From  Lydia Merritt 36 plays 0  

Crop Scheduling Part 1: Crop scheduling and improving greenhouse energy efficiency

Crop scheduling and improving greenhouse energy efficiency Erik Runkle, Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University Energy is consumed to create a favorable greenhouse…

+22 More
From  Jaden Gimondo 17 plays 0  


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From  Vincent Melfi 185 plays 0  


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From  Vincent Melfi 136 plays 0  


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From  Vincent Melfi 480 plays 0  

Radiation Detection Equipment

Instruction in the type and use of equipment used to detect radioactive materials.

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From  James Kidder 120 plays 0  

MCC Community Engagement 2.3.23

SmithGroup shares updates and receives direct input on elements of the design in an additional Multicultural Center Community Engagement Session.

From  Henry Mochida 65 plays 0  

MIMN SDO Wetlands Part 2 Lakes and Streams*

Michigan Master Naturalist Statewide Digital Overflow Wetlands, Lakes, & Streams Part two of two. Michigan wetlands with William Budnick, PhD. Lakes and streams.

+25 More
From  Beth Clawson 99 plays 0  

013 Video 2 G-protein signaling via ion channels

Video 2: G-protein Signaling via ion channels

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From  Donna Koslowsky 291 plays 0  

Older Adults Montage

From  Laura Bix 54 plays 0  


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From  Alice Puchalsky 31 plays 0  

KIN 355 004 Sun Safety

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From  Jill Kochanek 25 plays 0