Search for tag: "insecticides"
Peach Tree Borer Management Options - Mike Reinke - Michigan Spring Peach Meeting 2022MSU Fruit and Vegetable IPM Educator Mike Reinke provides options for controlling peach tree borers with the cancellation of chlorpyriphos (Lorsban) for food crops
From William Shane
5 plays
Mitigating Control Failures in Bt CornMSU Extension Field Crops Webinar Series Mitigating Control Failures in Bt Corn 3/19/18 Dr. Chris DiFonzo
From Eric Anderson
87 plays
Biology and Management of Grape Mealy BugA 2016 Michigan Grape and Wine Industry Council funded research project by Keith Mason, MSU Entomology
From Mallory Marienfeld
214 plays
Biology and management of invasive insect pests in Michigan vineyards by Keith Mason"Biology and management of invasive insect pests in Michigan vineyards" by Keith Mason, Michigan State University Department of Entomology, is a 2015 Michigan Grape and Wine Industry…
From Mallory Marienfeld
222 plays
Grape IPM Program by Rufus Isaacs"Grape IPM Program" by Rufus Isaacs, Michigan State University Department of Entomology, is a 2015 Michigan Grape and Wine Industry Council funded research project.
From Mallory Marienfeld
126 plays
Evaluating Insecticide Seed TreatmentsMSU Extension Field Crops Webinar Series 2016 Session 5, 3/21/16 Title: Evaluating Insecticide Seed Treatments Presenter: Dr. Chris DiFonzo
From Eric Anderson
37 plays