Search for tag: "software for mobile devices"

4-24-18 Managing White Mold in Soybean - Chilvers

The Field Crops Breakfast Meeting Series continues with a presentation on "Managing White Mold in Soybean" by Dr. Martin Chilvers.

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From  Eric Anderson 14 plays 0  

Daylight D2L Upgrade

From  Nick Noel 6,578 plays 3  

Zoom Tips: Using the Zoom Mobile App

+16 More
From  Gwyn Shelle 212 plays 0  

Airmedia Demo

Brief demo of Airmedia

From  Rashad Muhammad 13 plays 0  

MSU Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Offerings 01/20/2017

MSU has been making investments in its virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). VDI allow faculty and students to have virtual labs/desktops without the need to actually purchse and run (high resource…

From  Rachael Harris 83 plays 0  

Collaboratively Embodied Content in Synchronous Learning Environments -Brown Bag 09.16.16

Colleagues, At this week’s Explorations in Instructional Technologies brown bag seminar John Bell and William Cain, both of the College of Education, will present “Collaboratively…

+20 More
From  Vi'Nessa Webster 30 plays 0