07:21duration 7 minutes 21 seconds
Podcast: The Global-Local Paradox
In this episode Allie tells a story about a social media post she wrote that triggered outrage across Europe, a costly Roman pizza mistake, and how the Global-Local Paradox shapes the way Americans…
32:55duration 32 minutes 55 seconds
Lecture 4.2 - Part 5 (Romanticism in Music:…
Lecture 4.2 - Part 5 (Romanticism in Music: Berlioz's Symphonie fantastique)
12:37duration 12 minutes 37 seconds
Lecture 5.5 - Part 6
13:57duration 13 minutes 57 seconds
Lecture 5.3 - Part 6
25:08duration 25 minutes 8 seconds
Lecture 5.3 - Part 1
31:45duration 31 minutes 45 seconds
Lecture 4.1 - Part 2
03:34duration 3 minutes 34 seconds
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