06:48duration 6 minutes 48 seconds
Written Exam Overview
04:13duration 4 minutes 13 seconds
ANTR510 Palpatory Landmarks for the Pelvis
01:09duration 1 minute 9 seconds
VM 525-Ventral midline structures Dog Dissection…
VM 525-Ventral midline structures Dog Dissection video
VM 525 Day 10 prep
02:03duration 2 minutes 3 seconds
VM 520-Landmarks for auscultation in the cow
02:07duration 2 minutes 7 seconds
VM 517-closed vs open orbit - Eq supraorbital and…
VM 517-closed vs open orbit - Eq supraorbital and auriculopalpebral n landmarks
captions corrected by Ioana Sonea Oct 2022
07:05duration 7 minutes 5 seconds
VM 516-Introduction
01:53duration 1 minute 53 seconds
VM 569-Arthrocenthesis (=synoviocenthesis) of the…
VM 569-Arthrocenthesis (=synoviocenthesis) of the equine knee joint: dorsal approach to the middle carpal joint.
Dr. Carrie Jacobs
01:37duration 1 minute 37 seconds
VM 569-Arthrocenthesis (=synoviocenthesis) of the equine knee: dorsal approach to the radiocarpal joint.
06:53duration 6 minutes 53 seconds
VM 516-Intra articular inj tarsusM2U00542