Search for tag: "midwestern united states"
Implementation of alternative canopy management techniques in the NW and SW to improve fruit technological maturity of grapes grown in MichiganA 2018 Michigan Grape and Wine Industry Council funded research project by Paolo Sabbatini, MSU Horticulture.
From Mallory Marienfeld
65 plays
4-24-18 Breakfast Meeting Local UpdateThe Field Crops Breakfast Meeting Series continues with a weather and crop update from the St. Joseph County vicinity.
From Eric Anderson
2 plays
Corn and Soy SelectionMSU Extension Field Crops Webinar Series Corn Hybrid and Soybean Variety Selection 3/26/18 Dr. Manni Singh
From Eric Anderson
41 plays
Water Uses in WineriesA 2016 Michigan Grape and Wine Industry Council funded research project by Liesl Eichler Clark, 5 Lakes Energy
From Mallory Marienfeld
60 plays
Control and Management of Sour Rot and Volatile Acidity in Vinifera Grapes Grown in MichiganA 2016 Michigan Grape and Wine Industry Council funded research project presented by Josh VanderWeide, Pat Murad and Paolo Sabbatini, MSU Horticulture
From Mallory Marienfeld
143 plays
Current Issues Affecting Michigan Local Governments: Expanding Broadband AccessPaul Sachs, Ottawa County Director of Planning and Performance Improvement, joins us this month to talk about how Ottawa County's efforts to make broadband internet available throughout the…
From Eric Walcott
35 plays
Current Issues Affecting Michigan Local Governments: Local Government Finance ReformThis is the next in MSU Extension’s webinar series focused on current issues affecting local governments in Michigan. Our May webinar features a presentation from Deputy State Treasurer Dr.…
From Eric Walcott
44 plays
Looking for Service Opportunities? Get Started with GiveGab!Did you know MSU uses GiveGab, a national volunteer platform, to help students find volunteer opportunities? Watch this 10 minute demo from the MSU Center for Service-Learning & Civic Engagement…
From Christie L. Schichtel
281 plays
Aquaculture April 10 2017MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series "Getting started with aquaculture" April 10, 2017 Presenter: Elliot Nelson, Michigan Sea Grant Extension Aquaculture, or ‘fish…
From James D Isleib
463 plays