18:42duration 18 minutes 42 seconds
VM 509 Controlled Substances Part 4
57:37duration 57 minutes 37 seconds
Michigan Hybrid Watermilfoil Project
A review of the goals and outcomes of the Michigan Hybrid Watermilfoil project. Volunteers contributed watermilfoil samples for genetic analysis in 2018 and 2019. The goals of the study were to…
22:12duration 22 minutes 12 seconds
The Story of Papermaking
04:05duration 4 minutes 5 seconds
MC341 The Fabian Socialists
Three topics related to Fabian Socialism.
03:02duration 3 minutes 2 seconds
MC341 JS Mill (Again)
Mill and Ideal Analysis leading to Fabians.
07:17duration 7 minutes 17 seconds
MC341 John Stuart Mill - The Robustness of…
MC341 John Stuart Mill - The Robustness of Laissez Faire