Zoom Recording ID: 94621799955
UUID: 6sq1fIoASOijbojl011dbA==
Meeting Time: 2022-04-20 10:09:21pm
Zoom Recording ID: 99289119598
UUID: nCvm8YB4QxSs83+cGQpz5A==
Meeting Time: 2021-11-17 10:59:49pm
Recorded slides and presentation for MKT 250 class
Interview with Jiliang Tang who recently received the inaugural Rising Star award from the ACM KDD special interest group.
Food Sovereignty and Empowering Diverse FarmersAlita Kelly - Founder, South East Market The future of food is food sovereignty. Food sovereignty can't be realized until we empower diversity in…
Geographic and Cartographic Representation. This video is used in Geo221v.
Dr. Shi introduces Lesson 2: Geographic & Cartographic Representation in IGT: Intro. to Geospatial Technology
(onGEO Professional Certificate Course).