Search for tag: "influence"

Stakeholders & Collaborators 5/31/2024

From  Elizabeth Montemayor 22 plays 0  

GEO206: Let's Review: A Climates

From  Juliegh Bookout 8 plays 0  

GEO 206: Introduction to Climate

From  Juliegh Bookout 15 plays 0  

ISS310: Unit Introduction: The Historical, Social, and Environmental Dynamics of Urbanization

From  Juliegh Bookout 282 plays 0  

GEO330: Week 7: Coastal South & the Application Assignment

From  Juliegh Bookout 21 plays 0  

GEO330: Welcome to the Coastal South

From  Juliegh Bookout 69 plays 0  

Sri Sri

From  James Voges 1 plays 0  

GEO204: NASWA on the map

From  Juliegh Bookout 205 plays 0  

406 Presentation Margaret McHugh

The Globalization of Scotland

From  Margaret Mchugh 51 plays 0  


From  Lucy Thompson 253 plays 0  

GEO204: Introduction to the North African / Southwest Asian Realm

This video introduces you to the the lesson on NASWA.

From  Juliegh Bookout 66 plays 0  

11.18.21 (Hopson) Ingrained Habits: The ‘Kitchen Cars’ and the Transformation of Postwar Japanese Diet and Identity - Dr. Nathan Hopson

Virtual lecture by Dr. Nathan Hopson, Associate Professor, Nagoya University. This talk explores the history and politics of American-funded food demonstration buses (“kitchen cars”) in…

From  Julia Grimm 24 plays 0  

2020 Summit - Lightning Talks - Alita Kelly

Food Sovereignty and Empowering Diverse FarmersAlita Kelly - Founder, South East Market The future of food is food sovereignty. Food sovereignty can't be realized until we empower diversity in…

From  Lindsey Scalera 11 plays 0  

VM 535-Lab 2 Reproduction Pathology-Station 17-Mammary gland from a tiger and dog

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 374 plays 0  

VM 517-Thoracic Limb Proprioceptive Positioning - 1

From  Kathryn Winger 17 plays 0  

Narrative Therapy

Presentation of overview of narrative therapy and skills.

From  Paul William Dripchak 24 plays 0