Search for tag: "trait"

IBIO 445-730-Lecture 7_Quant genetics I_Week 4

From  Elizabeth Johnson 227 plays 0  

IBIO 445-730-Lecture 6_Ways of Change_Week 3

From  Elizabeth Johnson 136 plays 0  

IBIO 445-730-Lecture 5_Raw Materials_Week 3

From  Elizabeth Johnson 183 plays 0  

VM 523-Lymphatic tissue of the equine head

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 226 plays 0  

BMB528 (014a) Population Genetics, Part A - Introduction

From  College of Osteopathic Medicine AP 971 plays 0  

Lecture 07_07-20

From  Elizabeth Johnson 25 plays 0  

Lecture 05_07-13

From  Elizabeth Johnson 10 plays 0  


From  Nikhil Awasty 432 plays 0  

Multifactorial Inheritance

Multifactorial and complex inheritance Multi Video - 2018 Nov 07 07:04:25 by Dr. Helga Toriello

From  JIT CHM Jit Media 310 plays 0