Search for tag: "component"
Exams: Board-Style Exam ItemsCompanion ResourceTake a look at the “board style” item writing template and other tips from ID&A on the Item Writing Template & Style Guide. Also, find a reminder of those item…
From Sara Potter
5 plays
Exam Blueprints: What to Consider?Companion ResourceLooking for a written version of blueprinting tips? Check out the Exam Blueprinting job aid from ID&A. Want a peek at a “board style” item writing template? See…
From Sara Potter
4 plays
GEO221L: FS22 Introduction to your Instructor (Beth Weisenborn)Video introducing the Fall 2022 GEO 221 LAB instructor, Beth Weisenborn -- MSU Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences.
From Beth Weisenborn
9 plays
Backyard Chicken Brooder SetupLearn how to set up a brooder for your backyard chickens. Music:
From Mariel Borgman
48 plays
Multifactorial InheritanceMultifactorial and complex inheritance Multi Video - 2018 Nov 07 07:04:25 by Dr. Helga Toriello
From JIT CHM Jit Media
314 plays