Search for tag: "participation"

PH 103 Module 4 Healthcare Systems

PH 103 Module 4 Healthcare Systems

From  Lydia Merritt 5 plays 0  

Evaluating Student Perceptions and Utilization of a New Interactive MRI Atlas Designed for Learning Neuroanatomy in Medical Education

Date of Session: June 3, 2024 Description: We created a novel web-based interactive atlas of neuroanatomical structures in MRI geared toward early medical education. The atlas, available at…

From  Instructional Technology and Development 5 plays 0  

Non-Profits: Boards & Funding Structures Summer '24

From  Elizabeth Montemayor 25 plays 0  

Adobe Express tutorial this one

How to do an Adobe Express video

From  Robert Gould 38 plays 0  

IBIO 445-730-Lecture 1_Intro_Week 1

From  Elizabeth Johnson 100 plays 0  

Building Your Broader Impacts Plan

April 5, 2022 In addition to its intellectual merits, each proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) is reviewed according to the merits of its Broader Impacts (BI) plan, or the…

From  Kristen Lounsbury 18 plays 0  

Week 7_Lecture2_201_Young

From  Sejuti Das Gupta 319 plays 0  

FS21 Lecture 2-Part 1: Course overview

From  Elizabeth Johnson 179 plays 0  

21US_FYW Accessibility_Asynchronous

This brief workshop provides a general overview of accessible composition theory and practice.

From  Julia Louise Ludovici 0 plays 0  

Dismantling Pipelines, Building Villages: Anti-racist STEM Education as Dynamic Coalition Building | WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series | Michael Lachney, PhD and Brianna Green, MS

On 2/17/2021, Michael Lachney, PhD, Department of Counseling Educational Psychology and Special Education, and Brianna Green, MS, Educational Psychology and Educational Technology Program,presented…

From  Crissy Hodges-Chakrani 28 plays 0  

eValue: Faculty Evaluation of Clinical Site and Preceptor

From  conaiss College of Nursing AISS 49 plays 0  

Why is PP important? Part 2

From  Holly Madill 9 plays 0  

Why is PP important? Part 1

From  Holly Madill 12 plays 0  

What is public participation?

From  Holly Madill 11 plays 0  

Lecture 7.3 - Part 1

From  Ronen Steinberg 148 plays 0  

Zoom Basics - Attendance Reports.mp4

From  Instructional Technology and Development 5 plays 0