Search for tag: "poverty and social security"
Looking Ahead to a Fulfilling Retirement: Resources, Conversations, and OpportunitiesThis program was designed for all MSU faculty and academic staff to provide resources related to planning for your retirement, as well as strategies for approaching administrators once you are ready…
From Blythe White
61 plays
Envisioning Retirement Pathways- Event from February 2, 2018This program was designed for all MSU faculty and academic staff to start envisioning the pathway to retirement that best fits them. This program included examples of several different avenues taken…
From Blythe White
50 plays
Engaging with Academics on Retirement-Event from March 27, 2018This program was designed for MSU Deans, Chairs, and Faculty Excellence Advocates to discuss strategies for engaging about retirement issues with faculty and academic staff within your unit. Legal…
From Blythe White
35 plays
Tech Break - Episode 2 - Creating the Combat Veterans Course .mp3Check out the second episode of the student-led MSU Tech Break podcast called “Creating the Combat Veterans Course.”In our second episode we discuss the reasoning behind, design and…
From learndat Learning Design & Technology
25 plays