Search for tag: "attorney"
Adult Caregivers Employee Resource Group: Navigating Safety, Risk, and Independence while Caring for our EldersWorkLife Office Presents: Adult Caregivers Employee Resource Group - Navigating Safety, Risk, and Independence while Caring for our Elders It is a delicate balance to maintain the safety and the…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
21 plays
SART - Reporting OptionsReporting Options for Survivors of sexual assault at Michigan State University A video created by the members of the MSU Campus Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) This video was created for public…
From Kimmins Southard
106 plays
Farm Transitions: Slowing Down and Planting a Seed for New GenerationsIf you are going through a farm transition planning for change may seem like a luxury at this point, but it is a necessary step. You will not save time by not planning, but just postpone the…
From Florencia Colella
5 plays
Transitioning the farmThis video will give you a quick summary of the things you should do to plan for transitional changes at your farm. You may turn on Closed Captions by clicking on CC at the bottom right of the…
From Florencia Colella
14 plays
Elder Law Attorney Brad VauterLocal attorney Bradley Vauter, JD provides a wealth of knowledge regarding important topics including elder law, LGBT legal issues, probate, and estate planning. Come to this session, learn about…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
43 plays