44:13duration 44 minutes 13 seconds
Michigan 4-H Volunteer Webinar Series: 4-H…
Michigan 4-H Volunteer Webinar Series: 4-H Volunteers’ Guide to Parliamentary Procedure
Learn the essentials of parliamentary procedure…
06:29duration 6 minutes 29 seconds
Budgets Summer '24
29:58duration 29 minutes 58 seconds
SD2_1047 March/April 2021
57:41duration 57 minutes 41 seconds
WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series: Hands Up,…
WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series: Hands Up, Don't Shoot: Why the protests in Ferguson and Baltimore Matter and How They Changed the World
WACSS Anti-Racism Insight SeriesDr. Jennifer…
WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series: "Hands Up,…
WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series: "Hands Up, Don't Shoot: Why the Protests in Ferguson and Baltimore Matter, and How They Changed America" with Dr. Jennifer Cobbina, 11/24/20
Dr. Jennifer Cobbina is an Associate Professor in…
19:17duration 19 minutes 17 seconds
Sampling Designs 1
09:21duration 9 minutes 21 seconds
Lecture 5.1 - Part 5
06:41duration 6 minutes 41 seconds
Lecture 4.1 - Part 5
44:57duration 44 minutes 57 seconds
Lecture 4a Disclosure, Helpseeking and Secondary…
Lecture 4a Disclosure, Helpseeking and Secondary Victimization
44:39duration 44 minutes 39 seconds
HM804 sec730 Communications