Search for tag: "challenge"
Resilient Fathers: Thriving in the Midst of a Pandemic: Overcoming the Pressures of FatherhoodThis session will highlight the challenges of fatherhood, and how to overcome them. Participants will leave with the motivation, and knowledge of how to handle and manage the complexities of…
From Tiana Carter
1 plays
Movement and Wellness Resources for Fall 2020This presentation will explore wellness resources and opportunities available to the MSU community. There are many chances to engage in programming this fall, and to feel connected to campus no…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
39 plays
Welcome Back, Spartans! -- from Women*s Student ServicesThe Staff of Women*s Student Services sends beginning of Fall 2020 greetings to students near and far.
From Heather Shea
17 plays
Leading in Transition6/2/20 Tuesday: Leading in TransitionPresented by: Mark Saine, TIAA This session investigates how leaders help their teams navigate change and will include a discussion of how to foster the…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
34 plays
Work-from-Home Survey Qualitative Overview5/13/20 Wednesday: Work-from-Home Survey Qualitative Overview
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
19 plays