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AFIT slides 22_25

From  Kevin Markle 8 plays 0  

Student Instructions for Uploading Research Experiences

Instructions for how undergraduate students can upload their research or creative experiences to MSU's Undergraduate Research Module that is part of the My Spartan Story co-curricular record.

From  Korine Wawrzynski 31 plays 0  

D2L Email Forwarding

From  conaiss College of Nursing AISS 59 plays 0  

How to Put Together a Balance Sheet

In this meeting we review the reasons to create a balance sheet and look into a few resources that will hopefully make it easy for you to do it yourself. MSU Extension can create a balance sheet for…

From  Florencia Colella 25 plays 0  


What is Statistics? Fundamental Elements of Statistics

From  Elijah Dikong 346 plays 0  

MediaSpace - How to Download a Video

From  Gwyn Shelle 1,027 plays 0  

MediaSpace - How to Add a Collaborator

From  Gwyn Shelle 25 plays 0  

CSE480 - Week03 - Column Constraints

From  Dennis Phillips 1,155 plays 0  

Introduction to Zoom

From  Nick Noel 18 plays 0  

HR--Tony Felder--MBA2

1) My story-why MBA.2) How I chose my major.3) My internship search strategy. How did it go? What went well/what didn’t? What did you learn from it? 4) Advice to the…

From  Pamela Mars 34 plays 0  

How to allow screen share by default in Zoom

Recently some changes were made to all of our MSU Zoom accounts, so this is to show you how to allow users to share their screens in a meeting by default again.

From  conaiss College of Nursing AISS 47 plays 0  

Registering for D2L self-directed training

From  conaiss College of Nursing AISS 57 plays 0  


From  pblhlth Program in Public Health 2 plays 0  



From  pblhlth Program in Public Health 6 plays 0  

HM853 Lecture10

From  pblhlth Program in Public Health 3 plays 0