Search for tag: "category"

GEO 113: Consumption and Retail

From  Juliegh Bookout 1 plays 0  

Gender Chapter 4 Video

From  Stacy Smith 8 plays 0  

Geo 221v: Where to find course items

This video shows where materials needed for the course can be found in D2L.

From  Beth Weisenborn 241 plays 0  

D2L Basics for Instructors (08.24.22)

This informational webinar covers the basics of D2L, including an overview of the interface, how to create and manage the grade book, creating discussion forums, assignments and quizzes and uploading…

From  Instructional Technology and Development 59 plays 0  

D2L Gradebook Part 1 – Setting up an Online Gradebook (08.25.22)

This recording shows how-to set up a points-based or weighted gradebook. Session slides Upcoming workshops from MSU IT Past workshop recordings EdTech training self-enroll courses If you need…

From  Instructional Technology and Development 28 plays 0  

Chapter 7b video

From  Stacy Smith 12 plays 0  

Budgeting - Other Direct and Indirect Costs

From  Amy Bane 45 plays 0  

D2L Gradebook, Part 1 - Gradebook Setup (02.02.2022)

Facilitators: Susan Halick & KJ Downer-Shojgreen This training will go into the details of how-to setup a points-based or weighted gradebook. There will be time for Q&A at the end.…

From  Instructional Technology and Development 152 plays 0  

VM 502-Bayer Communication-The Dairy Herd

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 28 plays 0  

Time Management

This video gives a brief set of tools for how to think intentionally about time management - and important skill for anyone looking to be successful in the resident assistant position.

From  Nicolas Babarskis 171 plays 0  


This is the video explaining Assignment 4 in CAS 111.

From  Richard Epps 508 plays 0  

SCM303 HUETTEMAN guest lecture take1 edit1 reviewed

From  John Spink 16 plays 0  


From  JIT CHM Jit Media 275 plays 0  

IT Virtual Workshop - D2L Gradebook Part 2

From  Instructional Technology and Development 82 plays 0  

IT Virtual Workshop - D2L _Overview Part 1

From  Instructional Technology and Development 134 plays 0  

IT Virtual Workshop D2L Gradebook Part 9 Import Grades

From  Instructional Technology and Development 7 plays 0