Search for tag: "progress"

MKT 878 - Module 5 Introduction

From  Broad LXD Team 0 plays 0  

MKT 878 - Module 1 Introduction

From  Broad LXD Team 0 plays 0  

Assessing CX Maturity

From  Broad LXD Team 0 plays 0  

NatSci Student Success Program - Single Syllabus Instructions

This video will guide you through how to use the Single Syllabus digital workbook tool for the NatSci Student Success Program.

From  Jennifer Freitas 78 plays

GEO 326: Cartographic Design & Production: Farewell

Beth Weisenborn (onGEO) offers a congratulations and some parting comments.

From  Beth Weisenborn 15 plays 0  

Monitoring Your D2L Course: Class Progress (5-25-21)

Clip from MSU IT workshop on how to use D2L course analytics for monitoring your online course. For more information, self-enroll in the Instructor - D2L self-directed training course at…

From  Instructional Technology and Development 24 plays 0  

Monitoring Your D2L Course

Date of session: April 9, 2021 Description: We show you how to use D2L course analytics for monitoring your online course. D2L captures a great deal of learner activity that can be used to identify…

From  Instructional Technology and Development 23 plays 0  

3-Minute MI Good Food Charter Update

This is a very brief overview of the 2020 Michigan Good Food Charter Update Process. Please contact if you have any questions! Invitation to Action: Join the Coordinating Committee…

From  Lindsey Scalera 39 plays 0  

Reviewing SCORM Reports in D2L

This video will show you how to check completion and engagement with SCORM objects posted in D2L. This can be a help bit of knowledge if you are trying to get a large set of information on a large…

From  Nicolas Babarskis 104 plays 0  

ATLAS-PA promotional video

ATLAS-PA, or the Access to Literacy Assessment System for Phonological Awareness, is a progress monitoring tool designed for children ages 3 to 7. Phonological awareness, the understanding of the…

From  Sarah Goodwin 14 plays 0  

Tracking Progress in D2L

The purpose of this video is to explain how to track progress in D2L if you are a course assistant or D2L course editor.

From  Nicolas Babarskis 76 plays 0  

Anti-racism: The Heart and Mind of the Matter

7/2/20 Thursday: Anti-racism: The Heart and Mind of the MatterPresented by: Tina Alonzo, DEI Administrator with Infrastructure Planning and Facilities A time of dissonance, disagreement between…

From  WorkLife Office WorkLife Office 123 plays 0  

return to work - 2 aspects

From  Derek Moy 4 plays 0  

A Glimpse of Undergraduate Research at Michigan State University

Ever wonder what it's like to participate in research as an undergraduate student? Learn more about the research experience from four MSU students.

From  Christina Igl 14,381 plays 0