This video will guide you through how to use the Single Syllabus digital workbook tool for the NatSci Student Success Program.
Beth Weisenborn (onGEO) offers a congratulations and some parting comments.
Clip from MSU IT workshop on how to use D2L course analytics for monitoring your online course. For more information, self-enroll in the Instructor - D2L self-directed training course at…
Date of session: April 9, 2021 Description: We show you how to use D2L course analytics for monitoring your online course. D2L captures a great deal of learner activity that can be used to identify…
This is a very brief overview of the 2020 Michigan Good Food Charter Update Process. Please contact scaleral@msu.edu if you have any questions! Invitation to Action: Join the Coordinating Committee…
This video will show you how to check completion and engagement with SCORM objects posted in D2L. This can be a help bit of knowledge if you are trying to get a large set of information on a large…
ATLAS-PA, or the Access to Literacy Assessment System for Phonological Awareness, is a progress monitoring tool designed for children ages 3 to 7. Phonological awareness, the understanding of the…
The purpose of this video is to explain how to track progress in D2L if you are a course assistant or D2L course editor.
7/2/20 Thursday: Anti-racism: The Heart and Mind of the MatterPresented by: Tina Alonzo, DEI Administrator with Infrastructure Planning and Facilities A time of dissonance, disagreement between…
Ever wonder what it's like to participate in research as an undergraduate student? Learn more about the research experience from four MSU students.