Search for tag: "disability"

WorkLife Wellbeing: Supporting Accessibility and Neurodivergence in the Workplace

Neurodiversity is an important and often overlooked aspect of DEI. Understanding the differences and support needs of your neurodivergent employees is imperative to building a diverse and trusting…

+24 More
From  Rachel Perez 8 plays 0  

Employment Policy & Discrimination Summer '24

From  Elizabeth Montemayor 9 plays 0  

Unlocking Potential: How to Start Your Journey into Disability Sport Programming

Our panelists discussed their programs, barriers they've encountered in beginning and maintaining their programs, and program funding and advocacy.

+19 More
From  Sarah Miloshoff 17 plays 0  

2024-03-21 Rachel Lambert Math Ed Colloquium

Dr. Rachel Lambert, University of California, Santa Barbara, is presenting: UDL (Universal Design for Learning) is a "way to move" Engaging educators in the spirit of UDL Math.

+18 More
From  Lisa Keller 65 plays 0  

Supervisor Training Series: Supporting Accessibility and Neurodivergence in the Workplace

Neurodiversity is an important and often overlooked aspect of DEI. Understanding the differences and support needs of your neurodivergent employees is imperative to building a diverse and trusting…

+22 More
From  WorkLife Office WorkLife Office 53 plays 0  

2023-12-7 Yeh Colloquium Video

Dr. Cathery Yeh from the University of Texas at Austin is presenting at the 12/7/2023 Math Ed Colloquium. Title of the talk is DisCrit Noticing: Theorizing at the Intersections of Race and Ability in…

+19 More
From  Lisa Keller 7 plays 0  

‘Imaging and Imagining Illness’: Devan and Darian Stahl - Episode 7

Released March 8, 2018 No Easy Answers in Bioethics Episode 7 Episode webpage with full transcript and related resources:

+7 More
From  Sean Valles 3 plays

My Experience Living with a Spinal Cord Injury: Kelly-Blake and Van Linden - Episode 22

Released May 6, 2020 No Easy Answers in Bioethics Episode 22 Episode webpage with full transcript and related resources:

+5 More
From  Sean Valles 14 plays

WNA: Women's Mental Health and Intersectionality Part 2

During Part 2 of this event, Dr. Abbasi addressed:1. The concept of intersectionality and its impact on mental health2. Understanding bio, psychosocial model of mental disorders3. Why women are more…

From  WorkLife Office WorkLife Office 13 plays 0  

revModule 6 Chronic and Genetic Disease

+19 More
From  Constance Currier 153 plays 0  

Neurodiversity: Towards a More Inclusive Campus, Lindsay Hill and Kelsey Foote | WACSS Insight Series

WACSS Building Community Insight Series Neurodiversity: Towards a More Inclusive Campus Lindsay Hill and Kelsey Foote, Ability Access Specialists, MSU Resource Center for Persons with…

From  Crissy Hodges-Chakrani 54 plays 0  

week 3 intro video

+19 More
From  Nathan Christopher Poirier 23 plays 0  

2021 MSU AgeAlive Annual Forum: Aging-Related Research Gems Panel

This panel of researchers showcases exciting aging-related research being conducted by MSU faculty and graduate students. Topics include college student caregivers, understanding risks of dementia,…

From  Katherine Vancleve Hanson 15 plays 0  

8.Legal Issues.Part 2

+19 More
From  Bryan Lawrence Cornfield 194 plays 0  

Module 6 Chronic and Genetic Disease

+19 More
From  Constance Currier 105 plays 0  

D2L Accessibility Checker

This video will show you how to use the accessibility checker on D2L to check your lessons for any detectable accessibility issues.

From  ties College of Education Tech Interns 40 plays 0